Ulva intestinalis  Linneaus    -    Algae
Main synonym = Enteromorpha intestinalis    (Linnaeus) Link
Taxonomical Classification:  Plantae (Algae) / Chlorophyta / Ulvophyceae / Ulvophyceae / Ulvaceae
Gut Weed     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
Occurs in a wide range of habitats on all levels of the shore. Where suitable support is available, it will grow on rocks, mud, sand and in rock pools. It is abundant in brackish water areas, where there is appreciable fresh water run off and in wet areas of the splash zone. It is also a common epiphyte on other algae and shells. The seaweed may become detached from the substratum, and buoyed up by gas, rises to the surface, where it continues to grow in floating masses.

Ulva intestinalis is a conspicuous bright grass-green seaweed, consisting of inflated irregularly constricted, tubular fronds that grow from a small discoid base. Fronds are typically unbranched. Fronds may be 10-30 cm or more in length and 6-18 mm in diameter, the tips of which are usually rounded. Like other members of the genus, Ulva intestinalis is a summer annual, decaying and forming masses of bleached white fronds towards the end of the season. (Text from www.marlin.ac.uk )

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